Way Of the Bushido- Release Mid 2000
Way of the Bushido is based in 1975, the story
is about a young 12 year old kid named John Kavler who live with his family
in New York City. He parents get killed by a Japanese Gang called the Stealth
Assassins, John is sent over to Japan where his Great Grandfather Hwang
Mui lives, the great master of the Bushido. John swears that he will avenges
his parents death and John starts learning the Way of the Bushido, which
is Kung-Fu combined with Katana (A Japanese Sword, for those people that
didn't know) Fighting. Hwang enters the young John into a sword fighting
competition, the winner gets the legendary golden Katana. Website for this
movie might be made.
Have Not Though of a Title Yet- Release Mid/Late
Well I haven' thought of a title for this movie
yet, but it is about a young cop named David Croft, he goes into a warehouse
which has a drug bust going on inside, David gets into a huge shot out
and gets seriously injured in the battle and gets taken away by the gang,
which is a bunch of ex-mercenaries, the group had made a special machine
which can make the person inside, make at high speeds, have "Jedi" reflexes,
stronger that steel he is SuperMan, no. But David gets brainwashed and
put into the machine to test it out, it runs smoothly and David is under
the gangs control, 5 years have pasted and David starts to have memories
of his past and breaks out of the gangs hideout, not only are the gang
after him but also the police, because they think is a trader and is also
on of the most wanted criminal in the world. WILL DAVID CLEAR IS NAME,
That is all for movies.....